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Monday, 19 March 2012

What’s all the fuss about the Olympics?

It seems the 'Official Olympic Torch Relay' is passing this way in May – -going from Chester to Stoke-on-Trent via Newcastle-under-Lyme.  I have to say, looking at its route around the UK, it seems to be taking the ‘moth in a searchlight’ approach to traversing the country.

I understand that this is a once in a lifetime event for a lot of people, but surely taking months for the torch to zigzag it’s way around the whole of the UK is a ridiculous way to try and get everyone to feel as if they’re ‘part’ of it all.  They’re not, we’re not – most of the Olympics are taking place in London; with just football taking place in odd locations around the country. 

Apart from the footie at Hampden Park – Glasgow; Old Trafford – Manchester; Coventry Stadium – Coventry; Millennium Stadium – Cardiff and St. James’ Park – Newcastle-upon-Tyne I can't find any other events taking place outside of the South and South East of England; and, most notably, London.

So why drag some poor person along a torturous route holding what looks like a golden cheese grater shaped like a baseball bat, in the vain hope the British people will suddenly love it all purely because it came through their town/city; or because old Mrs Miller from No.32 had a turn of carrying it?

I’d love to hear from residents of Australia, America, fact any country/city that has held the Olympics in living memory, to tell me whether they were as underwhelmed as we Brits are.

Most people believe there’s nothing ‘encompassing’ about the Olympics for anyone outside of the South of the UK.  The only thing about it that affects every single tax paying resident is the cost; oh and the indignation that Mr ‘Average’ Joe Bloggs didn’t get to buy many tickets – assuming the bank he robbed to pay for them had enough cash in it – because most of the corporate entertainers bought them all up.   

Well, except for possibly a few which were bought by various media corporations to be given away as ‘prizes’ in an avalanch of pathetic olympic themed competitions.  Which will still leave 99.9% of the population watching at home – assuming they bother.

However, for me the true Olympics – the ones that test the strength, determination and courage of the athletes - are the Paralympics.  Those will be the Olympics I’ll be avidly watching and cheering every competitor on.....

This is Simi, thanks for reading.......

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