I know I've been doing daily blogs thus far but, to be honest, I don't have enough going on in my life for a blog a day. Bluntly, my life just isn't that interesting; and I don't want to be the boring blog, the one everyone comes to if they're suffering from insomnia - I don't want to be known as the blog that puts all its readers into a coma.
The weekends are when it picks up and we do stuff that usually ends up in some kind of chaos, so I think - instead of a blog every day - I'll just stick to weekends. Also, because of the way the traffic here shows that people who read this blog seem to prefer my personal story type posts instead of ones about 'issues', politics, etc; then I'll stick to those and also try to keep them shorter.
I reckon a version of 'War & Peace' must be pretty tough going to read every day, and for that I'm sorry - unfortunately I'm easily distracted and do tend to go off at tangents sometimes. But to those of you who do read these epics, and especially those who've come back more than once, THANK YOU. I hope you continue to do so. Hopefully by making these changes, the blog will improve, be funnier and more interesting to read. Next post should this Friday......
This is Simi, thanks for reading....
Simi, Take it to the Watt! STAT!